Escape City – Neurological

You ARE Lisa’s brain, and if we’re being honest, things aren’t working so well up here.

Things are grim. The doc doesn’t give you much of a chance and your husband is losing hope. Can you get things working again before they pull the plug on you?

Juchli Engineering designed and installed the Electronic puzzles for Escape City’s high concept brain themed room, Neurological. Featuring:

-Communication between puzzles allows solving one puzzle to activate another

-A 4 foot by 4 foot word clock which gives clues and instructions to players

-Interactive projections on the floor

-A custom three key electric piano

-Lighting control integrated into puzzles

-Capacitive touch sensing switches

-Human chain sensing switches

=Lots of LED indicators

=A retro-styled computer terminal to access the brain’s memories and senses

=Easy one button reset for all electronic puzzles