Alberta Pork – Pig Science Centre

Juchli Engineering provided custom interactive exhibits for a renovation of the Alberta Pork Producers’ Pig Science Centre: a simulated biosecurity shower, a pig sound player, a livestock scale that gives your weight in equivalent pigs, a porcine twist on the classic game Operation®, an easily extensible career quiz, and an interactive floor projection game.


Guests enter the Centre through a simulated “Danish Entry” bench. As they sit to remove their outside shoes and swing themselves over the bench to the “clean” shower side, a sensor detects them and plays shower sounds on a ceiling mounted speaker. The Interactive Floor Projection hardware can be seen in the background.
Step onto the scale and see how you weigh up against different sizes of pig.
Testing the Pig Operation Game.
Remove a piece to learn more about it on-screen,
but don’t touch the sides with your tongs!
The Pig Operation table doubles as a regular table.

Investigating agricultural career options with the custom Career Quiz hardware and software.
Custom pig biosecurity themed interactive floor projection: stomp the germs before they infect the pigs on your farm!

Ineractive projection software and custom game programming by Lumovision/Lumoplay